Our aim with our salary guide is to continue providing the market with the open, straightforward, hardworking service that we are so proud to have gained a reputation for over the many years that we have been leading the market in this specialist field.
The following information is a guide to salaries in 2021. Salary ranges cover basic salary only and do not include bonuses. We would always recommend getting in touch in order to get the most specific advice to your situation and need.
We conducted an online survey that had over 300 responses from Company Secretaries and Governance Professionals. Whilst we aim to be as accurate and up-to-date as possible; every team, role and business is different so we would encourage you to get in touch to get more tailored advice, which we would be happy to offer.
We would like to thank everyone who spared their time to complete our survey and assist us in compiling our salary guide!

Company Secretarial and Corporate Governance Salary Guide 2024/25
Our aim is to continue providing the market with the open, straightforward, hardworking service that we are so proud to have gained a reputation for over the many year. Our latest Salary Guide looks at salary ranges covering basic salaries of a range of company secretary jobs in a number of different industries.
download our guide